I know someone close that never accepts the blame for anything. There was a day I fell and hit my head on a hard floor because he unintentionally put his leg in the way.
My head got swollen immediately and when he saw it, he said I was at fault because I walked too fast. I was stunned. I mean I could have passed out or even died there and the first thing he said was that I walked too fast.😳
Anger burnt in me like a fire that day but the pain I was feeling was much more so I didn't say a word. I just walked out.
Some people cannot be great because of this single reason. They always look for a way to avoid being responsible for any error so they end up blaming other people. And if you don't accept that you are the cause of an error, how would you improve yourself?
Great people are not people that see themselves as perfect. They are always willing to learn, correct and improve themselves in anyway possible.
Take Job in the bible for example. As wealthy as he was, he lost everything in a day. When I say Job lost everything in a day, it's like saying Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk lost all their wealth in a single day. That's what it would mean if it had happened in this present generation.
In fact, Job didn't only lose his wealth in a day, he also lost every of his ten children in the same day. They all died simultaneously. Can you imagine the pain?
Yet despite all of these, he didn't blame God or anyone around. He accepted it as fate and moved on, trying to find a way to be better.
That’s how great people behave. Their ideology is centered on continuous improvement and growth. So they don't have the time to blame someone else. They always look inward first.
If you want to be great, do well to avoid this common syndrome. Get rid of the blamers attitude. Begin to look inwards to know where and how to improve yourself.
Why do you have to do this? It’s because great people are a product of series of different mistakes and errors that have led to personal correction.
I’ll see you in tomorrow's newsletter,
Stay consistent,
Abayomi Johnson.❤️