Do you remember that friendship adage that has been used since antiquity and is still being used till date? That adage that says “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”? After all it is your life anyways. Why do people have to use the life of others to measure yours? Why do they have to say “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”?
When I threw this question to my mother who is in her early fifties, here is the question I got as a reply: if a full tank is connected to empty tanks, what would be the end result? Then, I got an epiphany! A person who has poor friends does not necessarily need to be poor before he is being addressed as a “poor person". This is because soon enough, such person will become like his friends provided he doesn't detach from such association.
Friends are a very essential part of human existence. As a matter of fact, friends are like a compass for measuring a person's direction in life. The ilk of people we associate with goes a long way in determining our success in life. Amazingly, there is no way a person can life successfully without friends. We need them as much as they need us. Even God saw the need for companionship when He created the first man. So He had to create another person (The woman) to be a friend of the man.
Since we cannot stay away from every form of friendship if we want to live successfully, we need to carefully select the type of people we associate with. Every friend or associate in a person's life is either a decreasing or an increasing person. One cannot have a dormant or neutral friend. It is improbable.
As a success oriented person (which I know you are because you took time to read this article) you need to be highly conscious of the ilk of people you associate with. You cannot afford let everyone into your life. You should frequently check and weigh yourself to determine the increasing and decreasing friends in your life. By doing so, you know which ones to move closer to and the ones to stay away from.
In the second part of this article, I would be talking about how to know the increasing or decreasing friends in your life. But before then, kindly share this article if you were impacted.
Hits differently because I can totally relate💯
Nice one sir,