Most smokers don't write it on their forehead that they smoke but there are behavioral patterns that can help you detect them. In today’s episode of Psychology of Smoking we will be looking into characteristic behaviors that almost every smoker exhibits. This doesn't mean that everyone who indulges in these behaviors is a smoker but it is surely a pointer that something is wrong somewhere because these aren't characters of a normal human being.
This article will help you to detect smokers like a prophet sees visions. Are you ready?
Here are four things to watch out for:
Over-anxiousness (Neuroticism)
This is a very common behavior of smokers. It is mainly exhibited by worrying too much. When a person begins to worry excessively over things that he didn't seem to bother about in the past, then you should watch out. It is a very prominent sign of smoking that shouldn't be neglected for any reason whatsoever.
Then we have:
Low Agreeableness/ Dissatisfaction
“He used to be satisfied with two but now seven isn't enough for him anymore.”
“She barely agrees with anyone's opinion. She doesn't even like to put other people's idea into consideration.”
When you come to a point that thoughts like these begin to seep into your mind about a person then you should watch out. It isn't normal. You need to check into one or two variables around the person’s way of life. It is another leading sign of smoking.
That leads us to:
Getting Angry Easily
What do you think will emerge from worrying too much and dissatisfaction? Imagine worrying about something and when you get it, you still aren't satisfied! What will be the next line of action? It is ANGER! These actions follow each other like English Alphabetical Order ABC.
In most cases, this behavior is the first thing that people notice about a person because it is easily exposed unlike the previous two. If you notice this in a person, then you might need to sit down and try to re-evaluate the whole scenario. Those two mentioned previously are mostly found in most cases.
Lastly, we have:
As I have said earlier, these behaviors follow each other.
“Regular over-worrying plus regular dissatisfaction plus regular anger leads to regular carelessness.”
You might want to read that again.
People who worry beyond normal are not careful people. People who are regularly dissatisfied are not careful people. People who regularly get angry are careful people.
These are not the only causes of carelessness but these causes are common and they are psychologically and scientifically proven. I would have loved to reference this article but it is not a research study, it is a daily blog. I cannot bore you with that. But it surely is the truth.
If you know someone who regularly exhibits these four characteristics, then you need to take your time to study the person. They are great pointers to smoking.
Next week Tuesday, we’ll continue with our Psychology of Smoking Weekly Episodes. I sincerely cannot wait.
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