Money or passion? Which should come first?
Motivational speakers would always say “Follow your passion first and money will come looking for you.” I do not intend to mock anyone but when I hear that sentence these days, I usually burst into laughter.😂
Like follow your passion? The passion that takes about eight to ten years for it to be fully recognized? The passion that would need you to invest your everything before it starts yielding? It’s just so funny to me.😂
I remember when I used to write motivational stuffs and post online without making a dime from it. I was passionate about it but there was nothing to keep me going.
Everybody just said wow, great and those beautiful comments but nobody gave me anything to at least buy data subscription. Nobody encouraged me with a dime. I eventually had to stop because I became broke. There was no money to continue.
Passion is what distinguishes us from each other as humans and it is always a good thing but one has to apply wisdom. I do not know about you but I cannot afford to follow my passion without anything in my pocket. Money needs to be made first. That's why I believe that success is monetary.
Following passion is a very demanding thing that needs your all. In fact, anyone who follows passion unprepared might just end up getting depressed because it won't yield on time.
Passion takes time to yield but making money takes a very shorter time span. You’d just need to learn one or two things and you are in the business of making money already.
And if you cannot put your passion asides for a while like me, you can find a way to connect your passion with a popular problem and use your passion as a means to solve it. That way, you’d make money.
The major point I am trying to emphasize here is that you shouldn't follow your passion and hope that it would start yielding before you know it. That's a lie. It takes time.
Make money before or with your passion because you need money to keep the passion alive.
Until tomorrow,
Stay intentional,
Abayomi Johnson.