Before you begin reading, take a look at the water tank in the image above. If you were required to fill it with water to the brim, how would you do it? Would you carry the whole tank, dip it into a river, and carry it out full at once? That sounds impossible isn’t it? Of course, it is impossible. Wouldn’t you just continue to fill it with a bucket of water until it is full?
What am I driving at here? That dream, goal or achievement that you want to attain cannot come at once. It cannot come with a single action. It can only be attained through a consistent investment of actions. You’d have to continue doing something for a while to get the big outcome.
As you begin the journey of this year, I would like you to keep this in mind. I know that you are hungry for success and you really want to achieve those dreams as fast as possible but please do not injure yourself. Don’t be of thought that you can achieve everything all at once and then begin to stress yourself beyond what your capabilities can endure. If you do this, you would end up losing two things. The first is the goal because you cannot achieve success in a day. And secondly, you might lose yourself in the process. So take it one step at a time.
Of course, this is in no way trying to tell you that you shouldn’t dream wide or try out new things. No! This is only trying to inform you that nobody gets their desired big outcome in a day or with a single action. You can set big goals for yourself but make sure you break it down into bits that you would take one at a time. Again, take it one step at a time.
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This year smells goodness already and I wish you the best of it. Gracias!
Hmm this is insightful. God has blessed you bro
Inspired by this content.