What does God say about pride?
To begin with, what is pride? What does it literally mean when we say that someone has pride?
Pride is the characteristic of thinking of oneself bigger and better than everyone else, regardless of who person is or what the person has.
Pride is a state of self-sufficiency. A state whereby a person feels like he doesn't need help or support from anyone. And even if help should come, such a person sees it as an opportunity for them to help the person who is trying to help them.
That’s how a proud person thinks.
Now what does God say about pride? What does He think of proud people?
If we scan through the scripture, God really says a lot about them. God has warned the proud with the bible through many chapters and verses but today, I would like to show you just one of those things He has said.
Disgrace is always the end product of pride. No proud person can escape this, no single one.
The truth is that many of this proud people know this truth but they are just too proud to accept it and that's why their disgrace is usually enormous. It’s usually very embarrassing to them and to everyone close at the time it happens.
Do not being a victim of this please. Eliminate that pride by voluntarily and intentionally serving other people around you. That’s the easiest way to go about it.
Till we meet again tomorrow,
Stay consistent,
Abayomi Johnson.❤️