Do you know that there are seven standard football stadiums in Barcelona alone? Yes you read that right, seven! And do you know that it is arguably the most beautiful city in Spain? Welcome to City Watch, another weekly episode for Wednesdays alone. Are you excited as I am?
If you haven't been to Barcelona before like myself, I think you should put it down as one of the cities to visit as soon as you get the resources. There's really a whooping lot to enjoy in that city. Today, I just want to inform you about three things you probably didn't know about Barcelona. Are you ready?
The Sagrada Familia Tower in Barcelona has been in construction for 120 years and it is yet to be completed. You might want to read that again. In fact, it has taken longer to complete than the famous Egyptian Pyramids! The construction started on 19 March, 1882 and it is still in construction till date. The architect who designed the tower is long dead and the design has been passed to different architects from ages to ages. The tower is calculated to be completed on the hundredth anniversary of the death of the maiden architect. Quite funny right? Well it is what it is.😎
It might also interest you to know that Barcelona is the only city in Spain with nothing less than 10,000 food restaurants! It’s no joke; Barcelona is the only city asides Paris to be awarded the prestigious Gourmand award. The Gourmand award is a globally known food and books award that specially recognizes different cities across the globe for their immense contribution in the world of foods. And since its inception, no city has beaten Paris to it except Barcelona. So you see, there is really a lot to be discovered there.
Note: The Gourmand awards recognizes many cities every year but it only awards one yearly.
Barcelona was built with a grid system, the corners of the street have been cut off to help eliminate traffic jams. This is the reason why buildings have their octagonal shape. This explains why you can barely get caught up in traffic except for some special unplanned occurrences on the road.
So there you have it, amazing things about the beautiful city of Barcelona. This is CITY WATCH and next week's episode will come with another fascinating story about another city. Please stay tuned.
I’ll see you in tomorrow's newsletter. Stay jiggy!😍