In this generation, you’ll find many youths that have the “I cannot kill myself mentality.”
Youths that have become so lazy that when they try something new for a short while and it doesn't work, they give up and say that’s the end.
They have accepted mediocre because of their laziness.
But the bible says that the glory of youths is in their strength.
This means that the glory of any youth is in that youth’s ability to maximize the strength he has.
In other words, any youth that is not hardworking cannot find glory.
It's not a complex lesson to understand so I need not write a lot of words today.
The main point is that if any youth cannot work hard, then success is far from such a youth.
Kindly stay consistent until we meet in tomorrow's newsletter,
Best Regards,
Abayomi Johnson.❤️
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Your strength, your glory.
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In this generation, you’ll find many youths that have the “I cannot kill myself mentality.”
Youths that have become so lazy that when they try something new for a short while and it doesn't work, they give up and say that’s the end.
They have accepted mediocre because of their laziness.
But the bible says that the glory of youths is in their strength.
This means that the glory of any youth is in that youth’s ability to maximize the strength he has.
It's not a complex lesson to understand so I need not write a lot of words today.
The main point is that if any youth cannot work hard, then success is far from such a youth.
Kindly stay consistent until we meet in tomorrow's newsletter,
Best Regards,
Abayomi Johnson.❤️